Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chistmas Luncheon with the Girls

Some the Girls Who Attended the
Christmas Lunch
Eleven  of us gals got together for a Christmas Lunch. Attending were: Monica Riehle, Tina Carrillo, Felcia Babb, Liz Stincell, Beverly Sanders, Raia Valenzuela, Kathy Carrillo, Kelly Carrillo, Rita Carrillo Minor Lisa Behunion. and Lacey Riehle. We exchanged gifts and ate lunch at the Olive Garden. We wanted to have a full family Christmas party but just don't have a place big enough for all of us and we are growing larger every year. But it was so nice to get together with the girls some of which we have not seen for some time.

Jay and Randy had a Boy's day as well and had fun with their trucking experiences.

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The lady we stayed with in Santa Rosa has a sister who is a famous writer. Her name is