Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our Trip

The photos above are of the saguaro cactus which I love and other cactus's and Judy's home (the one with Randy in the yard) and another home in the area. Bill and Carol are the older couple and the elderly lady is Peggy. The photos of Randy and I with the lady is Starr (the lady) Judy is the lady sitting at the table. Then there is also a photo of Randy alone at Bill and Carol's. There is also a photo of a cowboy saloon we visited.

We had a good time in Arizona. We stayed in Scottsdale which is a ritzy part of Arizone. The home we stayed in was very large with a swimming pool however, the swimming pool was drained. The weather was perfect, a little hot the last few days. But while it was snowing here in Utah, it was 70 degrees and sunny there. We visited our friends, Starr, Bill and Carol, Judy and Peggy. All friends from Mesa. Our other friends, Leona and Virgil were gone in their motorhome back east so we didn't get to see them. We were invited to Bill's and Carol's for a BBQ. We went with Starr to a movie and out to eat.

We went with Judy out to eat after she got home from CA. I got to know her a little better. She is the one that went to CA to see her new baby granddaughter. This is her only grandchild and Judy is about my age. I was very concerned staying at Judy's home. Randy once lived with her in her home for a couple of years. They broke up but remain good friends. So I really was not so sure about staying at her home and meeting her. It was kind of awkward having dinner with her since I realized that she was once with Randy and all three of us were together at dinner. She is nice though. She is a physical therapist working only once or twice a week as she is semi retired. She had three cats that we tended. She has two sons, one of which is a Dr. and the other some big CEO or something. Her daughter-in-law is a Dr. too. She is Jewish but not an orthodox Jew. She has plenty of money and has traveled the world including Africa and South America.

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The lady we stayed with in Santa Rosa has a sister who is a famous writer. Her name is