Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Weather, I hate It! And Bella the Brat

We have so many plans of things we want to do outside, but the weather just won't cooperate. Now Randy is sick with a bad cold from having to take Bella out so many times. Her hours are all screwed up. She has to use the bathroom more in night than in the day. I take her out too if I hear her at night, but she has to sleep with Randy and so she bugs him when she has to go out. Randy gets a chill when he goes out in the cold and then back in the heated house.

We may need to give Bella away to somebody who gets up really early in the morning. We can't put her in the pet taxi or she whines. This is Randy's fault because the first night she slept in the pet taxi and didn't make a sound. But then Randy started letting her sleep in the bed and now she is spoiled.

She is so little she can't jump up to the bed and se we got her some steps to climb up on but she won't use them. I spent $30 on them and that was a waste of money. She is always nagging us to put her up on the bed and then she just jumps down and it starts all over again. Though she is so cute and we love her, she takes a lot time and energy. She has cured Randy of ever wanting another dog.


Tulabell said...

Yes dogs need a lot of attention that's for sure! I don't recall her going out much at our house but then again she wasn't eating and drinking as much as she should have been...she did jump up on the bed after we spent much time cheering her on to do so, but it was easier to just pick her up. She only wants on and off when we got on and off though.

riehle mom said...

If you ever decide to give her away. I would like her. She does sound like a lot of work. But I have more free time these days. And Lacey and I can take turns taking care of her.

The lady we stayed with in Santa Rosa has a sister who is a famous writer. Her name is