Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I am so sick of being sick. One day I am just fine, the next miserable. If it isn't a headache and dizziness, it's stomach pain and nausea. Last week I had a very bad pain in my upper right stomach and back. First I thought colitis, but the pain doesn't usually leave with colitis. I got to thinking it may be a gall bladder problem since the pain went away after an hour or so which I read happens with gall bladders. But then the nausea and gas comes. It's off and on; sometimes I am ok and other times like today, I am nauseated all day. I read on the Internet that I have the symptoms of gall bladder problems. But since I also have a history of colitis, I never know if it may be that so I am really consused. I am going to the Dr. tomorrow. If they can't find anything wrong then I guess I am just a hypochondriac. But with the colitis they can't tell anyway if I am not bleeding or if I don't have a colonoscopy.

I don't want to live my life this way. If I can't live life to the fullest, why live? I'm not that sick but sick enough not enjoy life right now. I get to see my sons more often with their new job schedule but not much since they are just here to sleep.

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The lady we stayed with in Santa Rosa has a sister who is a famous writer. Her name is http://www.ellynbache.com/