Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The High Cost of Being Thin

Me in the 1970's
Boy how I wish I had a waistline now!

Well I have started my diet for real. Let me tell you that in addition to the cost of the NutraSystems food, I have spent just that much in buying healthy foods from the grocery store. I had to buy fat free dressings and vegetables and low-fat cheeses and fruits etc. I cannot believe how much it all costs!! No wonder people in this country are overweight: junk food is so much cheaper. Also, I have been trying to use the exercise bike each day. I did 20 minutes today.

But I am learning what kinds of foods I must eat and so I probably won't need to keep buying the NutraSystems food after a couple of months. I will just eat the same types of foods that I have learned to eat with NutraSystems. The Alli Pills will help too because they will help me not eat too much fatty foods. I started the Alli and so far no gas or indigestion which means that I haven't eaten any fat at all.

But when I go to Vegas or on a cruise, especially the cruise, I know I won't be able to keep on my diet then and will have to make some of it up.


riehle mom said...

You should watch one of my favorite shows The Biggest Looser. The people on the show can loose hundreds of pounds and they help inspire all of us to try to eat healthy and exercise. Yes we also have the same problem with the high cost of eating healthy. Cheap food is not good for you. Maybe in the summer you can grow some vegtables. That will cut the cost down a little.

Tulabell said...

Yes and in addition to the cost is the time spent preparing and measuring and all that stuff I did. I think it's just a lifestyle change though, it was a good one and I really shouldn't have gotten out of it. They say if you can change something for 2 weeks you are able to change it for life. But why did I stop? I dunno. Oh well, guess I can only work on bettering myself one thing at a time.

The lady we stayed with in Santa Rosa has a sister who is a famous writer. Her name is